Water-Saving Tips

There are many ways to start saving water. By following water conservation tips you can save money on your monthly water bill, and more importantly, will also help protect the quality of life of future Texans.

Each of the following categories, indoors, outdoors, agricultural, and commercial, contain valuable tips and will allow you to become involved and see how simple water conservation can be. Water IQ brochures and educational materials are available and many publications are free in limited quantities or additional copies may be ordered for a nominal fee. Here are just a few tips you can learn about:

  • Save a minimum of 20 gallons per day just by installing water-efficient fixtures and reducing leaks.
  • Choose plants adaptive to conditions in your area of the state.
  • Run the dishwasher only when you have a full load of dirty dishes
  • Adjust automatic sprinklers to turn off when it rains.

For addition tips, please visit the following categories: